As the temperatures are dropping it is imperative that you prepare your vehicles correctly or costly repair bills may be in your future. One thing to make sure you have prepared for winter is your windshield wiper fluid.
The main casualties of a frozen washer fluid are burst washer fluid reservoirs and broken pumps. Hoses and nozzles can easily be damaged as well. Oftentimes, repairs to these components can be very costly since they are situated low and behind bumpers and wheel wells liners so it’s important to keep them healthy.
The easiest way to make sure your washer fluid does not freeze is putting in fluid that is appropriate for winter temperatures. Most come in -20 to -40 degrees. This will be on the front of the bottle. Most winter wiper fluids contain methanol with ethylene glycerol which is a more powerful antifreeze. You also can pick up de-icing fluid which is basically a strong concentration of isopropyl alcohol that helps to melt the ice on your windshield. As an added bonus, it is less toxic than methanol.
Tags: car carefluidfreezinggarys glass and auto bodyplains mtwindshield washerwinter